
Saturday, June 20, 2020

It's all about Attitude.

Every single person irrespective of caste, colour, century and money possess ‘attitude’ because it is not about ‘how they think?’ but it is about ‘why they think?’ and this ‘WHY’ is the foundation made of their life’s experiences.

In psychology, attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in or characterizes a person. They are complex and are an acquired state through experiences. It is an individual redisposed state of mind regarding a value and it is precipitated through a responsive expression towards oneself, a person, place, thing or event which in turn influences the individual’s thought and action. Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport described this latent psychological construct as “the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology.” - Wikipedia

It's all about attitude.

Attitude is one of those key factors which drive our life either in good or bad way depending on situation and especially attitude itself.

What I want to discuss here is a relatable subject. Generally, people talk about attitude in negative sense like if someone says that you’ve attitude means it is not good in social aspect of your life and you should work on it but it doesn’t mean that you’re socially not fit. It is just an opinion of one or few people who might don’t know you exactly. Who you’re and how you became the person you’re?

If you’re fit then everyone can see it and they will say the same but if you’re not so well then, those people can again see that and they will say the truth either you like it or not. Similarly, if your attitude is socially unfit then it can’t just be an opinion of few people but it will be voice of the whole crowd. So, if you’re overthinking just because of the opinion of those few people whose work is to give judgement on anything and everything without even qualified for that, then you really need to work on yourself and change the way you’re.

Attitude is part of everyone’s persona
lity which we can’t ignore so we really need to understand this concept and stop our childish mind to misunderstand our closed ones. We mostly got hurt at the time when we don’t want to and the reason is our mind, which only want to listen whatever we’re expecting subconsciously from another person but unfortunately neither we acknowledged it nor our partner. And the situation we face after that is only influenced by our state of mind which is somehow influenced by our attitude towards our life. Because now you understand this idea of attitude in depth and broad way, you can understand how a person build it and get influenced by it all his life without any control over it. So, it’s totally up to you what you want to choose; understand or misunderstand.

And the last thing which I especially want to discuss is if voice of crowd is in your favour then why those few people are saying or taking your attitude in a negative way? What do you think?

What I believe is the coin has two faces so possibly they can be right in some cases like if they are really your well-wisher and you’re sure that they can’t be the reason of negativity in your life then you should definitely listen to him and do the needful for your goodwill.

But if it is not like that then that must be their ego which influencing them subconsciously to take your attitude in a negative way. For example, if I admire someone then possibly, I’ll not take their tough gesture as their negative attitude or in a negative way and it happens sometime in our life or in our surrounding. So, it is really very careful matter to chose people in your life and similarly, it happens with us also.

Like if I think that some another person has really negative attitude then that can be my ego not his attitude.

It is really very important and remarkable gap or difference which we need to understand to work on, to be the best possible version.

Must share your point of view on this note.
Also, share this article with love, to love and for love.


Saturday, June 13, 2020


I always say and strictly believe that “A motive to innovation is MOTIVATION”. It is as simple as that. You just need to understand this concept to be successful in long run. People mostly search for motivation in outside world which is nothing more than waste of time. Whatever we get from this materialistic world in anyway or in any form don’t stay longer. It is in its nature.

If you’re reading this article for the sake of motivation, please don’t bother yourself because you’ll get nothing.

This article can definitely give you clarity in your mental space to understand and to get that motivation from your inner source which will help you in marathon of your life instead of motivating you which generally don’t helps more than a couple of days or a few weeks.

Whenever you’re motivated to do something, just try to understand the basic behind that. Can you be motivated without any reason? Think about it.

Every person needs a goal to be motivated and that’s what I said above in simpler form. If you’ve something innovative in your mind to work on then that thought will keep you motivated until you achieve your goal.

Here, innovation doesn’t mean to do something which no one even tried or thought before. That’s a different thing but here it means that idea should be new and different for inner you which might be done by thousands of people before but never even tried by you.

Now, it’s totally up to you that motivation will work or not. Is it sustainable enough to help you in some way? Because strength of motivation is directly proportional with the importance of goal for you and vice versa. If the goal is much important then that will keep you motivated to work on without giving any excuses about why you can’t do that?

So, it is really important to think about ‘WHY’ before setting up your goals. Your ‘WHY’ should definitely be stronger than your issues because that will only keep you motivated to stick with your goals.

Rule No.01 Find out your ‘WHY’
Now, what’s next?

Find the next Rule. Nope, just kidding.

When you’ll get your ‘WHY’, you’ll understand psychology behind it. Thousands and thousands of people are watching these so-called motivational videos these days online but how many of them are really getting any result from it? If those viewers are not getting any benefit then why do people are still searching for the same? Because our vision is not that longer. Everything happens in human mind is depends on some psychology behind it. We just need to train our mind to trigger that emotion on its own without any external source.

If you seek motivation in life means you seek reason to live. Mind it.

Now, you have a goal and a strong reason behind it to work for, means you already have motivation. You’re free of those long boring lectures to boost up your motivation.

The path of success needs destination which you’ve as your goal, needs fuel which you’ve as your motivation. Now, you only need to drive your vehicle means your life consistently with a constant speed and balance to reach there.

Rule No.02 Start your journey irrespective of anything and everything.

You already have enough rules to follow which is not that easy but also not so tough at the same time.

This journey can be fun if you’ll try to feel that kinky air while driving.

Do you still need to watch those long motivational videos to do something in your life? I don’t think so.

You have enough reason to be motivated in your life. Find your own source of motivation because that can only work for you in real sense.

If you would like to add anything in this article, please do comment below.
Let’s discuss, learn and learn.

Also, share this article with love, to love and for love.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Prediction - Myth about a fact.

Wikipedia says, “A Prediction is a statement about a future event. They are often, but not always, based upon experience or knowledge. There is no universal agreement about the exact difference from estimation; different authors and disciplines ascribe different connotations.”

Even my opinion also resonates around this only. Prediction is nothing more than a guess based on some facts and experiences. A guess about anything or everything around us & Maybe about us and I accept that somehow, it works sometime in some situations but on other hand, I believe that truth is an eminent fact and there always been a gap between a guess and a fact like we can’t guess about someone’s emotion but we can guess about their reaction on that respective emotion. we should always keep it in mind that reaction is always depends on our action as same like prediction. So, it’s good to focus on the action rather than any prediction which eventually depends on that action only.

“The future is like a corridor into which we can see only by the light coming from behind.” Said by Edward Weyer Jr.

Actually, we never realized that we don’t need any Astrologer or Tarot Card reader to predict anything about our near future. Why? Can you guess?

Let’s start from the scratch. Future is the event which is still to come. I’ll make it simpler for you. Let me tell you a story about it.

A person has a dream to own a Ferrari from his childhood and luckily, he arranged all the money by today in the age of 49. Tomorrow is his 20th marriage anniversary So he thought to get his dream car on his very special day and take her wife on a long drive, as she always wanted to go on a romantic drive date. He was so excited. He worked hard and hard without skipping a single day to fulfil each & every need and the dream of his family but never shared his very own dear wish with anyone. He finished his dinner and went for sleep as usual but she sensed some different spark in him today. After all she saw him growing old not only physically but emotionally too. She can listen to his heart and read his mind without uttering a single word like generally all the wives do. So, she understood but decided to talk about it later in the night personally. Now she is also curious to know about the fact which is making her husband enthusiastic after such a long marriage. She was like “I’m still alive dude. what are you so excited about?” Jokes apart but when she finally enters their bedroom after finishing her deadly work to talk about it. He was snoring. He was snoring so badly that she went to sleep on the sofa in the outside area with her curious thought. Next morning, he woke up before everyone else in the house, took bath and leave to somewhere in hurry. When she woke up, she run to the bedroom to wake him up and wish him first before he does, but she realized that she was late. She searched for him everywhere in the house, in the garden and on the roof but he was nowhere. Now her curious thought was making her worried about him because this was not like his usual days. He never did like this in the last 20 years. Suddenly, a man holding a huge bouquet standing aside of the huge wall of balloon shouting something outside of her house. She went to see who the hell is shouting there? But surprised, when she saw hidden Ferrari behind that balloon wall and the man of her life standing with bouquet asking for a drive date. She was mesmerized and remembering the day when he proposed her to get marry. It’s like the same. Nothing changed even after so many years especially that love. After that she went on a drive date in the same night clothes with him. A couple might not dress well but looked perfect.

What? You thought to get some conclusion at the end of story. Seriously! You can ask to any writer in this world dear; Story never ends.

But my point is whatever you’ve today or you’ll get tomorrow is the result of your deeds. I agree that a lot of other factors also affect our life in some way because this whole world is connected either you agree or not. Even if you’re doing nothing means you’re doing that and whatever you’ll do today will make your tomorrow. So, it’s good to work today accordingly instead of wasting your time in the dilemma of prediction. After all, it’s about your tomorrow which you’re making today.

Take your own responsibility.
Aham Brahmasmi (
अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि)

Feel free to share your thoughts with us.
Also share this article with love, to love and for love.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Pain - The darkest emotion everyone has.

The International Association for the study of pain’s widely used definition defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Team Building Activities

   About Team
As defined by Professor Leigh Thompson of the Kellogg School of Management, team is a group of people who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, knowledge and skills and who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal".

Read it again if you didn’t get it and repeat until you get it right.

The most common mentality in today’s world which you will also relate is that everyone wants to be in a team which is already on the top without even thinking or realizing that are they deserving enough to be there? We only want to be part of that because they are the best but what about us as an individual? This mentality is really a big trouble for all of us either as an individual or as a team.

Team work is not about what can we do as an individual but to understand what team needs from us to get it done? If you realize at any point of time that you don’t fit in a particular top-rated team then it’s better to leave it and I’m very sure that it can be a great decision for both of you and the team.

Let’s join the team which actually needs you and where you can fit, and enhance your skills to achieve that common goal. I believe that If the hand is held from both sides, then the grip is stronger.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford

Team building

"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of others." – Norman Shidle

To no surprise, communication and working better together is the top reason why people choose team building. Everybody wants a friendly work environment, where people are comfortable and happy to talk to and work with anyone.

But it is not an easy task to get a team like this so here you have to use your leadership skills as being captain of the team and select candidate especially on the basis of leadership qualities because I believe that only a person with leadership qualities can give their team & its members priority before him. It will be a great deal to work with group of leaders as a team than working as a leader in a team.

"Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people."
 – Steve Jobs

Team building activities

A successful team building activity will surely mean a more comfortable and better work place environment for any company, large or small. Whatever activities we do as a team is fine if we manage to inspire our team.

We should always remember some key points whenever we talk about team.

1. Clear goals.
2. Honesty and good communication.
3. Strong sense of belonging.
4. Competence diversity.
5. Accountability for team achievements.
6. Balance coordination and cooperation.
7. Quick problem solving.
8. Efficient delegation and collaboration.
9. Motivated team members with productive involvement.

I believe that building a team with sincerity and clear thoughts in mind is the best team building activity anyone can do for long run.Team building activity matters most at the time of building a team, not after that.

Eager to know your part of story, what’s your mind says?
Also, share this article with love, to love and for love.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Being a winner

A winner in true sense.
About Winners

Joel Osteen said “God wants you to be a winner, not a whiner.

Winner might be one of the toughest competitors among all the participant, but I don’t consider them ‘a winner’ in true sense unless and until they don’t possess leadership skills or qualities.

There are mostly two categories of crowd in this world, ‘Leaders’ and ‘Followers’. You can be a winner through your hard work and dedication, but important point is which crowd you belong to? Are you a winner in true sense?

“The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who control that chaos, both his win and the enemies.” Said by Napoleon Bonaparte.

It doesn’t matter you’re a winner or not if you can’t control that chaos because you can never control that chaos if you’re not a leader. So, Stop making yourself a fool and learn to be a leader to win this everlasting battle called life. Being a winner is not only a title, it’s a responsibility.

Robert Kiyosaki said “If you’re going to be a winner in life, you have to go beyond your best.”

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Love is like life - Unpredictable

Life is so unpredictable just like you're. Imagine, you & me together. I thought I'm such a charmer; I can make you fall for me just like every other girl, but no. Here, I got to know something new and unpredictable - about my life or you. Maybe I'm not so good to charm everyone but I'm good enough to realize that where should i put my effort to make my life? Really, Is it about my life only? Maybe ; Maybe not - unpredictable. You and my life are so similar to me that i used to ignore you. I don't want to understand that it's not about my life anymore. It's about you. Yes, I love you.

William Shakespeare said that "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
How a person feels when he/she gets attached to their partner so much that they can't even sleep without them? Is it possible to pen down these feelings or even to say it to their loved ones? Is it just like an attachment we have with any other beings? Do you also feel for someone? Are you in love?

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." Said by Dr Seuss.


I don't know, how? but I can listen to my heartbeat whenever you're around me. I can feel you, and your smell is really intoxicating me with my every single breath. I can never forget that touch of your lips and let me tell you that I don't have wish to taste anything, just after you. You always make me feel so high that I don't want to wakeup ever, if it is a dream. Maybe, that's why I feel heavy sometime like it is the weight of that fear to lose you which i have in my heart. Do you also feel the same way or Is it only my hallucination?

Plato said, "At the touch of Love, everyone becomes a Poet." And I believe that "Love makes you or not, but broken heart will make you a poet for sure."

It doesn't mean that you'll start writing poetry full of emptiness or about love but yes, your broken heart will have that depth to understand the story from both side of coin. To have understanding of love is the first step to became a Poet. I think silence is the only way to let your love speak. Love is only about 'to feel' - no word can express it.

"Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached." Said by Simone Weil.
I don't understand concept of this attachment. You can feel attached to any random person you met, but it doesn't mean that you're really attached to that person in any aspect of your life. You're only feeling attached because of the circumstances of their life which can be relatable to another person. Attachment is nothing more than sympathy.

Jaimie Alexander said, "Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change."
Yes, as he said, I also believe that we should be honest to us, toward our feelings either it is anxiety or love. Even anxiety happens only because we ignore, what we feel and how we feel? It is just a matter of acceptance. Just let it be and we can conquer this world.

Why can't we accept ourselves as how we're? I really think that feeling is not only meant 'to feel' for others, but also to feel for your inner self and understand the 'You'. And yes, I feel for myself.

Michael Bassey Johnson said, "True love is not a hide and seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other."

"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidently, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." Said by Sarah Dessen.
I do agree with him but, does it happen to everyone? Nowadays, people rush from one relationship to another only because they all are seeking for love. I think we need to stop rushing here and there, and look around what we've; probably it will help us to find the love, we're looking for. I believe that you should have, to give.

"I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I'd be dreaming of you, but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren't a dream." - Unknown.

On this note, share your part of story - "Are you in love?"
Must share this article to love, with love and for love.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Death is most important lesson of our life.

Death is something more than end of life. It's a lesson to admit or to realize that time is not in your hand, like it was never before. And we know it very well that there is a lot of things in our life which is not in our control, including time and death but still we ignore it, like something don't even exist.

The very first line about death on Wikipedia is, "It is cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism." Hmm... It's great, we got to know something new and different. But what to do about it? Nothing. We can't do anything about it and that's why, we ignore it

No, this article is not meant to make you feel heavy or depress about which you can do nothing, but to recall that what we are doing where we have probability to do something?

"I'm not afraid of death; I just don't want to be there when it happens." said by Woody Allen.

This Philosophy is out of that zone where possibilities do exist but still it is not so tough to understand that emotion. We got something so precious that we don't want to lose it at any cost i.e. our life, but unfortunately, we can't pay that cost.

Now, this whole world is going through that unbearable pain which no one can feel or understand without experiencing it on its own. Maybe this is a reason that's why some so called scholars are behaving and doing things like shit. Possibly, their academic degrees are not enough to make them wise people. Unfortunately, Pandemic is not tiger of their circus which might be dangerous but in their control. So, It's just an advice for them to not take a flying arrow.

"Some people like my advice so much that they frame it on the wall instead of using it." said by Gordon R. Dickson.
I beleive that they will not like my advice that much, hopefully.

I think the famous poet, Oscar Wilde had also acknowledged this human nature a long time ago that's why he said,
"I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.

In short, they don't give a damn about that flying arrow because they assume to have some superpower. Bullshit. Believe me these are the only people who lives in the philosophy of, "we are drowning darling and we will take you with us." So, it is the right to make them realize that "wait, you're already drowned darling so you can't take us with you."
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." said by Mae West.

So, "If we born once, we will die once then why not to live once as we want to live?" We only need to do, out of focus those so-called scholars from our lives. Isn't it easy? Let's do it then.

Oscar Wilde said, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.""Time is running out. We can live it or leave it." I choose to live. Now, It's your turn.
"I think, a person dies when he loses hope to live and believe that his energy is not enough to energise himself." What a person of such low esteem can do?

"I believe that death is not only about body and soul but it is about belief of that soul in itself. Unfortunately, one of the most important lesson of our life is the last one."

What do you think? Tell us your part of story in comment section below Also share this article with love, to love and for love.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Corona - The Murderer.

A monk had ever told me that this whole world is our home and these people are our family. Our ancestor says that we can make palace but house can build only by a family. FAMILY!!! A family that holds you tight, to never lose sight, keeps us together So Mr Whirldwind, be ready to fight. If this world is our home then these countries are the palaces we made and all religions are siblings who might fight on stupid reasons but always stand together whenever any whirlwind will cross its height.
Yes, we, as a family, stands together, to fight against you, to hit you harder, Corona - The Murderer.

It's all about Attitude.

Every single person irrespective of caste, colour, century and money possess ‘attitude’ because it is not about ‘how they think?’ but it is ...